Map of Akhand Bharat: the form of Neo-Cultural Imperialism of India


 The introduction of the New Akhanda Bharat Map in the Indian Parliament is the beginning of Cultural imperialism as the first step of territorial claim & hegemony of India for sure.

You can fool yourself, not the scholar of the world. A recent map of India in “Akhanda Bharat Map” is a sign of cultural imperialism proving to scholars of the world giving the sense that they must accept the history of Bharat Barsha with a new map of “ Akhanda Bharat” If don’t they consider Scholars are illiterate with their lack of historical knowledge. It’s an artfully created strategy with their hidden agenda with evil intentions to acquire & override current history proving those territories ( Lumbini, Kapilbastu, Biratnagar) are not of current Nepal but belong to the Maurya Empire ( India) to fool the world. So like other Neighbouring countries’ territories of Pakistan, Bangladesh is also included in Akhanda Bharat’s Map. Neighboring countries are also not happy already official statements are released by Pakistan.

It’s unacceptable & the leaders of Nepal must not keep quiet on this issue. If the leaders of Nepal won’t act to raise their voices against the above issue, One day people of Nepal will justify the traitors for sure. India shall disinclude all foreign territories & dismissed the disputed Akhanda Bharat Map in parliament immediately. Current Primer Minister “Prachanda” of Nepal’s recent visit, where he was supposed to raise this question, dismissed the map & suppose to summon the parliament of India / Press conference in India to tell not to start neo-cultural imperialism which is damaging Nepal in many ways. So as to other neighboring countries current, history gives the world false current status of those territories of the current countries. Unfortunately, Prachanda did not speak a word about it.

On the other hand, it will trigger for sure that giving Nepal full right to claim back culturally, politically & territorially entire territories of greater Nepal. Nepal has full right to promote in the world & include the map of the greater Nepal in Parliament as well as ask back India for her territories. Many Nepalese & International scholars already raised this question already asking to hang the map in the Nepalese Parliamentary Building & promote the map of greater Nepal as well as ask UNO for the international committee for the greater Nepal territories of Nepal, which India must return to Nepal. It’s an international issue Britain can still be part of this issue bringing this issue to the UN table. See below the map of greater Nepal & Recent Disputed Neo-Cultural imperialistic map of India “ Akhanda Bharat Map”.



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